Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
In the 2013 Marvel film “Agent Carter”, we can see ma ny different film elements executed in different ways. In the opening scene, we are seeing a flashback which uses a cross cutting technique . Flashbacks depict the personal experience of a character by showing a memory of a previous event and they are often used to "resolve an enigma" later appearing in the film. The camera cuts back and forth between Agent Carter and Steve Rodger (aka Captain America). You can hear sad and suspenseful music in the background, which signals something troubling is about to take place. The scene cuts f rom Agent Carter and Captain America having a heartfelt conversation, and then the music and conversation slowly dies out and we are cut back to p resent day. The next scene opens to a bird’s eye view and establishing shot of the city which then cuts to the precinct . From the beginning of this shot, you can tell there i...