Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

 Your blog should include the title from each of the 9 clips below and observations you made while watching each clip. After all your observations, summarize where these brainstorming sessions led you in making decisions about your own film opening.

 Video One: "Rise-Film Opening"

  • Outdoors/ natural lighting 
  • Looks and feels really naturally shot and produced
  • editing and camera skills look professional
  • several different shots were incorporated 
  • used music and sound effects

Video Two: "Offline-Film Opening"

  • intriguing opening title and credits 
  • used music and sound effects
  • use of crosscutting 
  • dark and mysterious theme to pull in the audience

Video Three: "Dear Lover-Film Opening"

  • shot outside in a natural setting 
  • high key lighting used 
  • cutting techniques were used really well
  • incorporate...d several different camera angles

Video Four: "Dare To Thrill-Film Opening"

  • action-packed 
  • really good camera skills 
  • editing techniques were well executed 
  • credits and title were mentioned in the opening
  • filmed at night 
  • had multiple actors 

Video Five: "Always Watching-Film Opening" 

  • opening credits and production credits 
  • filmed at night 
  • used lowkey lighting 
  • uses filters to distinguish changes in time ( flashbacks) 
  • used background music and effect sounds 
  • crosscutting a lot of scenes 
  • good editing skills 

Vide Six:  "The Blue Boar-Film Opening"

  • uses costumes
  • used an outside setting the whole time
  • used voice-overs
  • background music present 
  • good editing skills 
  • basic camera skills and shots
  • inc different types of shots ( follow, dolly, pan, two-shot) 
  • could have been a musical 

Video Seven: "White Coat-Video Opening" 

  • fancy and techy opening credits and production credits 
  • dark and mysterious lighting 
  • background noises ( rain, thunder, patter) 
  • suspenseful music in the background 
  • no dialogue 
  • editing skills and camera shots well put together
  • scientific lab setting

Video Eight: "Stalker- Film Opening"

  • opening credits and production credits 
  • includes background music and sound effects 
  • mediocre lighting and camera skills 
  • editing skills aren't that great
  • could have been put together better 
  • short 

Video Nine: " Nostalgia-Film Opening"

  • includes opening credits and production title/credits
  • outside natural lighting
  • put together well 
  • uses background music 
  • there is no character dialogue 

Brainstorm Summary:

After watching all past AICE media movie openings, I observed a lot of aspects that I will look into putting into my opening film. Cool and eye-catching opening credits and producer/title credits are a must. It is a great way to clue your viewer into a lot of things the film may be about just in the opening title. Another thing that I noticed, was incorporating background music and sound effects to hype the film and make it more intriguing. A couple of the films only used music and sound effects, rather than filling the opening scene with dialogue. It helps let the images in the opening scene set the stage for the rest of the movie. Additionally, a handful of the films were shot outside at either night or during the day. I think it would be cool to have my film opening shot outside, especially since it will most likely be an action film opening. There were a lot of things to take away from these videos and I think I'm beginning to get an idea of how I want my film opening to be like, thanks to these videos. 


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