
Showing posts from March, 2021

Movie Opener


Weeks 6-7 Editing

Week One/Post One:  Starting to Edit During the first week of editing I had decide what software I wanted to edit on. I chose to edit my movie opener with iMovie because I have the most experience editing on there. Jess and I pieced together the best clips from filming, but ran into some problems during this process. Some of the clips from filming were way to short and I know I wanted to keep my opener short and sweet because it is an action movie opener. I did not want to give too much away, but I wanted enough film for the audience. I ended up having to chop up some of the scenes and sequencing them in different places of the film to make it seem longer. I added music and sound effects to make the opener more interesting. The idea of the opener was someone anticipating a text that lets them know its go time, followed with kind of a car chase. I tried to incorporate several different types of editing techniques like cuts and transitions but since I am still new to this, they are n...