Master Edits in Professional Film(s)


Contrast in Schitt's Creek: 

Contrast is  cutting between two different scenarios to highlight the contrast between them. I used an example of contrast from my favorite TV show, "Schitt's Creek". In the clip, we see the Rose family in their glamorous living room, in fashionable clothes and jewelry right before they are forced to move out of their mansion after going bankrupt. The next clip cuts to them outside a rusty motel which is where they will have to live now that they have no money. It is a clear contrast of how they once lived in luxury and how they must live now, in a motel in the middle of nowhere. 

Simultaneity in The Fast and Furious:  

Simultaneity is cutting between two simultaneous events as a way of driving up the suspense. In this scene Dom and Brian are racing to a near by train track when unexpectedly, the train appears coming high speed on the track they are supposed to cross to determine the winner. The camera cuts back and forth between Dom, Brian, the cars,  the speeding train, and the tracks to increase suspense about what is going to happen. At the very end, the train misses them by a HAIR and they cross safely, only for Dom to be hit with a truck after all they went through. 

Leitmotif in The Princess and the Frog: 

Leitmotif is when there is this ‘reiteration of theme or objects ’ that involve repeating a shot or sequence at key moments as a sort of code. In Princess and the Frog the recurrence of Dr. Facilier's evil shadow is code to the viewer that some bad stuff is about to go down. His presence and his shadow's presence are never good news. His leitmotif is his evil shadow. 


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